Joint Parrot TAG’s

In the spirit of the Joint TAG chair meetings, this is a shared website of global Parrot Taxon Advisory Groups.

Learn more about the World Parrot Day initiative and access our open source resources for parrot education in zoos right here.

Regional Parrot Taxon Advisory Groups or zoo-based steering groups or working-groups:

The EAZA Parrot TAG is the Taxon Advisory Group which supports the member institutions of EAZA on parrot questions. Determine priorities through regional collection planning drive publications and oversees individual parrot breeding programmes EEP, ESB and MON-P.
EAZA Parrot TAG mission statement:
“EAZA Parrot TAG’s mission is to facilitate and enhance cooperation on parrot conservation within the European zoo and aquarium community. The aims include maintaining sustainable ex situ populations, educating the public, encouraging contribution to scientific research and supporting in-situ conservation of parrots. It will achieve these aims by providing the community with information and structures to assist and improve population management, husbandry methods and conservation project review and by also evaluating and sharing calls for cooperation from outside the community.”

EAZA Parrot TAG public husbandry resources:

Ecuadorian Amazon Parrot Best Practice Guideline, For Spanish version  Guía de Buenas Prácticas de EAZA para Lora Amazona Ecuatoriana

– Parrot supplement to the Bird Demonstration Guidelines

– EAZA Reference Document – Virus Management for Parrots

EAZA Social Media links: EAZA Parrot TAG Facebook Group

               EAZA Parrot TAG annual report: EAZA TAG’s Annual Report 2020 a cutout of the Parrot TAG proportion can be found here 2020 Parrot TAG Annual Report



The mission of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Taxon Advisory Groups (TAG) is to examine sustainability and conservation needs of an entire taxa and to develop recommendations for population management and conservation based upon the needs of the species and the AZA-accredited institutions. In accordance with this, the mission of the AZA Parrot TAG is to inspire best practices in parrot management, population sustainability, education, and conservation. We aim to acheive this through the following actions. First by creating links between the zoological, aviculture, and conservation communities by serving as a communication channel and central hub of information. We will help maintain successful demographic and genetic management of populations in human care through studbooks and Species Survival Plans(SSPs) as part of the Regional Collection Planning process. As a TAG we will facilitate educational outreach by providing zoos, aquariums, nature centers, schools,etc. with information, ideas, and tools about parrots and their conservation. Lastly, the TAG will support organizations dedicated to parrot conservation by endorsing theirwork and helping broadcast their projects and initiatives.

AZA Parrot TAG public husbandry resources:

                  – AZA Parrot TAG on the Avian Scientific Advisory Group website

– Palm Cockatoo SSP Husbandry Manual

AZA Social Media links: AZA Parrot TAG Facebook Page

Regional zoo associations:


EAZA is the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria



AZA is the Association of Zoos & Aquariums in North America




WAZA is the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums


Learn more about the World Parrot Day initiative and access resources you can use for education activities in your zoo.