Songbirds in Asia are threatened with extinction due to excessive and strongly cultural rooted consumption of wild songbirds for trade, songbird competitions, pets, export, traditional medicine and food. The EAZA Silent Forest Group aims to save a growing number of songbirds by increasing knowledge, awareness and commitment to do action within and beyond the zoo community.

Our campaign
Silent Forest was the first EAZA conservation campaign focused primarily on birds, particularly songbirds of Southeast Asia. Songbirds have become the subject of an excessive and strong culturally rooted consumption for trade, singing competitions, pet trade, export traditional medicine and food. The Campaign ran from 2017-2019
What we do now
The Silent Forest Group is a working group of the EAZA Songbird Taxon Advisory Group collecting and sharing information on the Asian Songbird Crisis caused by unsustainable and illegal trade. Actively fundraising, providing project management and technical support services for in-situ PROJECTS. Overseeing and linking relevant ex-situ PROGRAMS sharing resources. Promoting songbirds, increasing knowledge, awareness, and commitment to action with educational ACTIVITIES within and beyond the zoo community.

How you can help
Everyone knows about songbirds. But what can you do to actually help songbirds to survive? There are numerous ways and endless possibilities learn more and become involved here on our website.