
Buy Art, Save All the Birds

  No need to be a big zoo or non-profit organization to raise awareness for wildlife conservation and help fight the Songbirds crisis: meet Alyssa Rice and her amazing All the birds project. Passionate about animals, Alyssa promotes conservation through her drawings. She suggested three conservation projects to her followers who voted for the Silent […]

12th of March 2018 Alle Vöglein sind schon da…

Author: Constanze Mager (Burgers’ Zoo, Arnhem, The Netherlands) Even though the whole world seems to be skyping – and the campaign team certainly does quite regularly skype with each other – a face to face meeting every once in a while is really useful, too. Unfortunately, travelling across Europe to see each other is rather […]

Hunted – Trapped – Killed: Illegal Bird-Catching

Author: Simon Bruslund (Heidelberg Zoo, Heidelberg, Germany) The Erfurt Museum of Natural History, Germany, is presenting an exhibition about illegal bird trapping and have included extensive information on the Silent Forest Campaign. For this purpose, the Museum signed up as a non-EAZA participant to the campaign in preparation of the exhibition. This is an excellent […]

The Elusive Mountain Spirit of the Omei Mountains

Author: Chris Green (Cotswold Wildlife Park, Oxfordshire, UK) The Emei Shan Liocichla (Liocichla omeiensis) also known as Mt. Omei Babblers are one of five, restricted range, species in the genus which are among the smaller members of the Laughingthrush family. This species is internationally protected in CITES Appendix II and also locally fully protected in […]

Silent Forest presentation for yearcard holders

Author: Constanze Mager (Burgers’ Zoo, Arnhem, The Netherlands) Imagine a lecture hall full of people eager to learn more about the Asian songbird crises and the EAZA conservation campaign… the dream of every campaigner, the dream of every educator. On the evening of 17th of January 2018, this dream came true in Royal Burgers’ Zoo, […]

Another sad day for the Southeast Asian Songbirds

Three smugglers were arrested on Tuesday the 16th of January 2018 in Melaka, Malaysia, by the Malaysia’s Maritime Enforcement Agency. Unfortunately, the authorities intercepted the fleeing boat after the men had thrown overboard 300 birds. Only three of them could be saved from drowning. According to a press statement, the birds were likely smuggled over […]

Spreading the Word

Author: Constanze Mager (Burgers’ Zoo, Arnhem, The Netherlands) Campaign wise, the last few weeks can be characterized as the crucial weeks to get zoos on board on national level. My lecture about the campaign during the Dutch zoo employee meeting (150 attendees, mostly zoo keepers) was rather successful. Of course, often the keepers are not […]

Asian songbirds for children and adults

Author: Constanze Mager (Burgers’ Zoo, Arnhem, The Netherlands) The Silent Forest Campaign has been launched six weeks ago. It’s good to see how the really quick zoos registered within a few days! Wow! By now, almost 60 zoos registered as participants. Also great that quite a lot of zoos indeed pledge to raise money for […]